Creative Artist Law’s home at Village Roadshow Studios on the Gold Coast is set to get even busier with the recent announcement at the studios by the Hon. Scott Morrison, Prime Minster of Australia that Legendary Entertainment’s feature Godzilla vs Kong and Disney ABC International Television series Reef Break will be filmed in Australia.

Godzilla vs Kong, scheduled for release in 2020, will be the latest entry in Legendary Entertainment’s successful ‘MonsterVerse’ series of films and will see the two iconic movie monsters going head to head. Godzilla vs Kong, starring Alexander Skarsgard, Rebecca Hall and Kyle Chandler and Ken Watanabe will follow on from the upcoming Godzilla: King of the Monsters (trailer below) and recently released Kong: Skull Island, the latter of which was also shot at Village Roadshow Studios.
Similarly, Disney ABC International Television will be filming their big budget 13 episode Reef Break television series, starring Poppy Montgomery on the Gold Coast as well as in Hawaii.
Both productions have been attracted to Australia thanks to the Location Incentive Programme.
The continued success comes hot off the heels of a number of major productions filming on the Gold Coast such a Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and Thor: Ragnorak and includes the soon to be released Aquaman and currently in production Dora the Explorer films.
The strong production slate is likely to be further incentivised with the Queensland Government recently announcing a new post, digital and visual effects (PDV) incentive designed to attract high-end post production work to the state. The 10 percent rebate (able to be combined with a 30 percent Federal PDV offset) is expected to attract significant national and international post-production projects. Similar PDV incentives in other states have proved highly successful.